9.01P Termination/Non-Renewal Hearing Time Limit
Employees shall have an adequate opportunity to present his or her case during a Termination/Non-Renewal Personnel Hearing. The Board will allow a maximum of ninety (90) minutes per side for all examination, cross-examination, and arguments pertaining to the scheduled personnel hearing. Changes in allotments, either admitting additional evidence or testimony or precluding more evidence or testimony than anticipated, will only be made with notice and upon a determination of needed by the Board. Only in extraordinary circumstances will the Board grant additional time.
Date Approved: 10/8/19
9.02P Tele/Remote Working
Employees may telework at the direction of the Superintendent or designee. “Tele/Remote work” is defined as performing work that would usually be performed at an assigned worksite or an alternative worksite on an authorized and regularly scheduled basis.
Employees who telework are expected to maintain their usual assigned schedule, including the same workdays and hours they have in their regular work location unless their supervisor authorizes changes. No overtime will be authorized for employees eligible for overtime unless approved in advance in writing by their supervisor.
Employees are expected to be accessible during their assigned schedule by phone, or other communication methods agreed to by their supervisor, except during meal periods and breaks, as outlined in the personnel policies. The employee is responsible for maintaining contact with their supervisor while teleworking. If a business need arises, employees are expected to report to their regular work setting or other assigned location at their supervisor’s direction.
An employee’s duties, obligations, responsibilities, and employment conditions with Pulaski County Special School District (PCSSD) will remain unchanged except those obligations and responsibilities specifically addressed in these guidelines. Job responsibilities, standards of performance, and performance appraisals remain the same as when working at the regular worksite. The supervisor reserves the right to assign work as necessary at any worksite.
Employees who cannot perform their assigned duties and be accessible and available, as described above, shall be required to request and access any leave available to them. Employees shall request leave in the same manner as the employee would typically use when working at their regular work location.
Employees are expected to maintain a safe, secure, and ergonomic work environment and to report work-related injuries to the employee’s supervisor at the earliest opportunity. Employee shall hold PCSSD harmless for injury to others at the alternate worksite. With reasonable notice and at a mutually agreed upon time, the superintendent or superintendent’s designee may make on-site visits to an employee’s telework location to ensure that the designated workspace is safe and free from hazards. The location must also provide adequate protection and security of PCSSD property, and to maintain, repair, inspect, or retrieve PCSS Dproperty.
Employees are responsible for providing workspace, telephone, printing, networking, and internet capabilities at the telework location and shall not bereimbursed by the employer for these or related expenses. Employees may request PCSSD technology but must protect PCSSD owned equipment, records, and materials from unauthorized or accidental access, use, modification, destruction, or disclosure. Employees must report any incidents of loss, damage,
or unauthorized access to their supervisor at the earliest reasonable opportunity. Employees are expected to maintain all PCSSD documents and records equivalently as they would at their regular work location, including PCSSD networks. All records and materials regarding PCSSD shall remain the property of PCSSD.
Employees who fail to abide by these guidelines while teleworking may no longer be authorized to telework and may be required to either return to their regular work location or take leave. Violations of these guidelines may subject the employee to discipline up to and including termination.
Date Adopted: 12/8/20
9.03P Emergency Catastrophic Natural Disaster Leave
Pulaski County Special School District employees directly affected by the recent natural disaster may be granted up to five (5) days of paid leave to be used toward recovery efforts. Employees must submit documentation, such as verification of an insurance claim or invoice from a service provider, to Human Resources for approval. This leave will not impact sick or vacation leave. Benefits will be retroactive to April 3, 2023.
Date Adopted: 4/11/23
9.04 Essential Workers
The superintendent or designee designates Pulaski County School District employees who conduct critical infrastructure operations as essential workers. Essential workers ensure the stability of the day-to-day school operations (e.g., maintaining inventory and equipment, maintaining security at all district properties, ensuring district properties remain operable, etc.).
Persons designated as Tier I essential workers are as follows:
Operations Department: Directors, Coordinators, and Facilitators
Transportation Department: Director and Route Supervisors
Security Department: Director, Facilitators, Security Specialists
Business Department: Payroll Department and Accounting
If additional assistance is needed to maintain the stability of the day-to-day school operations, Tier II workers will be contacted by their supervisors as needed.
Persons designated as Tier II essential workers are as follows:
Operations Department: Foremen, specialist under foreman
Transportation Department: Drivers, bus aides
Security Department: Security officers
Business Department: Payroll Department and Accounting
Tier II essential workers will receive an additional $10.00 per hour when their supervisor requests them to report to a district site during inclement weather. These persons must be physically present to fulfill those tasks. During inclement weather, natural disasters, etc., employees deemed essential workers should report to work when safe conditions permit. If you cannot safely report to work, you must make up the hours missed or take the appropriate leave.
Adopted: 3/12/24
9.05 Independent Toileting
All children entering Pulaski County Special School District in grades kindergarten through twelve shall have toilet training to the point that they can take care of their toileting needs without adult assistance. Any exceptions shall be made before the start of school by the parent providing medical documentation of a health-related cause to the building principal from the child's physician. If a health-related reason causes the child to be unable to control his/her bowels or bladder, the school nurse will develop a health plan with input from the parent/guardian and physician. A student who has not been toilet trained may be excluded from school until parents/guardians have completed the training.
Adopted: 11/12/24
9.07 ADE State Educational Entity Cyber Security Policies and Cybersecurity Awareness Training Requirement
Legal Mandate:
The Pulaski County Special School District (PCSSD) is required to comply with the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Cybersecurity Policy, as mandated by Arkansas Acts 504. This policy, developed by the ADE, is non-modifiable by the District and must be strictly adhered to.
The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) requires all school districts to adopt a policy and District administrators to be responsible for developing and implementing procedures to ensure compliance within the timelines set by the ADE.
Public school boards should make a motion to adopt the policy. Board adoption does not require the policy to be released to the public. Cyber security policies developed under Act 504 shall not be deemed open public records under the Freedom of Information Act of 1967, § 25-19-101 et seq. The ADE K12 Cyber Security Policy contains sensitive information and should not be posted or shared publicly.
This policy and training program are designed to enhance the cybersecurity awareness of all PCSSD employees and to protect the District from potential cyber threats. Employees play a vital role in safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining a secure digital environment by actively participating in training and adhering to established policies.
Legal Reference:
Ark. Code Ann. § 25-1-128 (Act 504 of
Adopted: 3/11/25